Steps To Moving Your Wine Collection
Step 1 —Size up. By sizing up your collection and inventorying your wine, you have a great chance at knowing what to prioritize. You will also get a sense of how much you have.
If you have a high-priced vintages, get your collection professionally appraised. Visit the American Society of Appraisers web site to find a certified and qualified appraiser.
Step 2 —Choose the best method for your collection. The method you select will not only ensure your wines safety and security, it will also keep you at ease knowing it is in the best care.
Step 3 —Take pictures, document your wine and get a list of all your wine so that no one is popping bottles on your behalf without your consent.
Also, be sure to also check the states that require a permit for moving or transporting alcohol over state lines. For wine permits and more information visit, the Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau by clicking here.
Step 4 — Hire a specialist. Much like a high-end moving companies, there are special movers specifically for your wine collection.