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Meet local artist, Noé Badillo a painter and photographer who has been creating art for over 15 years.


He began his artistic career with photography pursuing his passion in high school, developing a strong eye and sense of composition. Photography allowed the artist to experience nature as an abstraction, “I gained a sense of stillness and an understanding of the world through my lens, my own vantage point which was unique from the rest of the world,” stated Badillo.


Noé Badillo received his Bachelors of Fine Arts in Studio Art from the University of Arizona and a Masters Degree in Art History from the University of Arizona. Since college his artwork has mainly focused on drawing and painting and was a pivotal point in his artist growth. He had the opportunity to apprentice with an incredible artist, Osvaldo Romberg in Tucson. It was there that Badillo truly developed his passion for art and art history saying “where I really learned art was as an apprentice in his studio, I learned classical painting by master copying, drafting, and lots of brilliant things about theoretical and conceptual art.”


Today his artwork centers on and is inspired by his family as well as art history. “The way that art historians learn to read images and interpret them, and study the conscious development of art throughout the ages influences how I approach my own work” since he is currently pursing his PhD in Art History from Arizona State University. One senses the love of family and such joy behind his intimate portraits of his wife and young children while echoing references of long ago.  


He has exhibited his artwork throughout Tucson and Phoenix most recently he has a selection of his photography “Early Work: 1994-1999" on view at the monOrchid in Bokeh Gallery in downtown Phoenix. The artist welcomes studio visits and you can also see a piece of his work in the permanent collection of the Latino Museum in Los Angeles. To learn more about Badillo and his work be sure to visit him online at http://www.noebadillo.com.
