HomeTucsonFeatures › Fort Lowell Day Celebration

Saturday, February 9 from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., the late 19th century Fort Lowell and the early 20th century village of El Fuerte will be enlivened with period reenactments. The events, which are free and open to the public, provide a fun-filled day for the entire family!

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At 10 a.m., the Bisbee Black Sox and the Tucson Sahuaros will begin a triple-header at Fort Lowell Park. These Vintage Baseball Clubs of the Arizona Territories will play using the rules, uniforms, and equipment of the 19th century.

At 12:30 p.m., a US Cavalry Regiment from Fort Huachuca, B Troop, will conduct drills on the old parade grounds at the park. At 4 p.m., the Fourth US Cavalry Band from Tucson will play a concert of 19th century music.

A variety of other activities will also take place, like an opportunity to meet Mrs. Gilbert Cole Smith in front of the Commissary on Fort Lowell Road at 1:30 p.m. Pie Allen, owner of the Post Trader’s Store and later the mayor of Tucson, will also be present.

Guests who wish to participate in the educational, fun day can receive a map of the sites and a schedule of the day’s events at the information booths in Fort Lowell Park, along Fort Lowell Road, and at the San Pedro Chapel. Children will be given a Passport to History, which can be stamped at various sites.

Guests will also enjoy Mexican food and the strolling Mariachi Trio Gala. With a variety of other musicians, crafts, historical events, and historical buildings, the Fort Lowell Celebration Day is the perfect way to spend an afternoon with the kids.
