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Aug. 19, 2017. Hardworking volunteers broke ground for a tiny home project on Madison in downtown Phoenix. After almost two years of dedicated hard work and countless meetings with city planning; it all comes down to this small but mighty event. The first of many initial ground breaking events Build us H.O.P.E. (Housing Opportunities Provided for Everyone), along with Singleton Communities, will be hosting. The Micro on Madison build will serve as a launching point for the other communities currently in the approval process. While no residents will be residing on this property it will provide model units and a testing ground for sustainable tiny home installations. Build us H.O.P.E has partnered with Linderoth Associates Architects and architect Robert Crosby Stickles as well as Greenlight Solutions and ASU Epics to bring Tiny Houses to the cutting edge of sustainability and affordability. The Micro on Madison property is just the first step that is anything but “Micro” in the right direction for finding a solution to the affordable housing crisis in Arizona. To make a Donation, become a Sponsor or to Volunteer to be a part of this wonderful cause, please visit www.buildushope.org. On site will also be “The Mansion” Tiny Home by Uncharted Tiny Homes that is being raffled off on January 24th 2018. Tickets will be available on site or you can Visit http://buildushope.com/tiny-house-raffle.html to purchase your tickets. Ticket quantities are limited.
Photography by Danny Raustadt
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