HomePet of the Week › Molecule Has Perfected the Art of Puppy Eyes!

Molecule Has Perfected the Art of Puppy Eyes!

At just eight-weeks-old, Molecule is about as tiny as the thing she is named after but luckily has survived despite what life has handed her way. For this tiny Yorkshire Terrier mix, life has not been the kindest however she is hoping to find a kind soul that helps her as she continues to recover while on the road to adoption.

Prior to making her way to the Arizona Humane Society, a Good Samaritan found Molecule in a dumpster. With reported seizures and in such a fragile state, the small pup was taken to a local Emergency Animal Clinic for initial medical care.

Once transported to AHS, this little cutie pie was treated in the shelter’s trauma hospital and has been doing wonderfully with no reported medical anomalies. Now that she is cleared, Molecule is hoping to find a temporary home where she can continue to gain weight until she is ready for her forever home.

Being an AHS Foster Hero is a lifesaving venture with cases that fit every family and lifestyle. By bringing in a foster pet(s), you allow AHS to continue caring for even more of our community’s sick, injured and abused pets by opening up much-needed kennel space. For more information on how to become a Foster Hero for adorable little Beanie Baby or any of AHS’ amazing pets in need of fostering, visit azhumane.org/foster to take the online orientation and apply. 

Adoption Status: Ready