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Darrell Vasquez is a singer/songwriter who is also a recording engineer.  Among his other interests are writing, sports, cooking and blogging at knot2serious.wordpress.com.

Followers:  1,983

Following: 980

Number of Tweets: 28,830

Favorite person to follow?

My favorite person to follow is… (drum roll)… nobody! Everybody makes Twitter a dynamic experience. The people that I follow are extremely diverse and could never be in one room at the same time. So, it keeps things interesting.

Why did you start Tweeting?

I was told about Twitter through a job-finding agency. I was laid-off, and they told me that it may be a great way to communicate for an unemployed songwriter. I really was knot2sure what Twitter could lead to, but I had nothing to lose.

What do you never Tweet about?

I am very random and can be a bit edgy.  I do post about almost anything. However, I try to avoid the typical taboo topics: politics, religion, sex and just plain old too much information.  If I do mention those things, it’s very carefully.

What Tweet has generated the most response?

It’s tough to pick one event. People like to I talk about food (I make recipes and post what I come up with), sports commentary (Suns, ASU, Cardinals, Diamondbacks, etc.) and events that I am hosting, attending and performing at. Actually, there was one prank that I pulled. People thought that I was getting married to somebody else on Twitter. Uh, I was being knot2serious. That event is well known by my friends in the Phoenix Suns community.

What is the strangest place you've Tweeted from?

Yo mama’s house! I am joking. Hey, I’m knot2freaky; I don’t Tweet from nasty places. If I had to answer, I’d say the strangest place was, well, Las Vegas is pretty strange.

How do you choose who you follow?

I am proud to say that a lot of people that I follow, I actually know or have met. Other than that, if they are down to earth and interesting, I will follow them. I also look for people that are interactive. I also enjoy joking and conversing.

iPhone or BlackBerry?

I use neither, and I am known for my ‘B-mobile’ phone (inside joke). But, I like the BlackBerry. My biggest issue with the iPhone is the fact that you cannot remove the battery.