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@elyciamarie Elycia Marie

Publicist Elycia Marie splits her time between Los Angeles and Scottsdale.
Followers: 2,048
Following: 96
Number of Tweets: 3,026

Favorite person to follow?
My boyfriend, @FrankieMuniz, of course.

Why did you start Tweeting?
It's an amazing networking tool. It's simple and no-nonsense. I've connected with dozens of Valley locals through my Twitter (people I otherwise may have never met). For Frankie, it's the best way to keep his fans updated, with a dash of his own personality (versus using a publicist).

Where do you Tweet from?
My house, the tub, the airport, the hair salon, the mall, the car (dangerous, I know), social functions—pretty much anywhere and everywhere.

What do you never Tweet about?
Pickles. No one wants to hear about pickles.

What Tweet has garnered the most response?
I Tweeted from Joe Jonas's house at Christmas time. I mentioned Demi Lovato in the same sentence. The tween gossip sites had a field day with it.

Strangest place you've Tweeted from?
I Tweeted while literally sitting between two 80's icons (Christian Slater and Winona Ryder) at a movie premiere. I didn't even watch the movie; I watched them watch the movie.

iPhone or BlackBerry?
iPhone (I use the Tweetie app).