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Kathy and Chuck Munson

Kathy and Chuck met in Aspen Colorado in 1973 while Kathy was looking at colleges and Chuck was attending CU Boulder. It was Thanksgiving weekend and a group of friends from their home town area had gathered for a ski weekend. Kathy caught Chuck’s eye when she was throwing snowballs from the hot tub at the windows of the chalet where the party was starting – the florescent lime green bikini Kathy was wearing was a pretty good attention getter. Over 30 years later these two have not only developed their own relationship but a business partnership as well. Kathy is the CEO and Chuck the COO/CFO of Media Buying Services.

Was it love at first sight?

Kathy: Well, it was for at least one of us! It took the other one a bit longer to warm up to the idea.

How long have you been together/married?

Kathy: We’ll be celebrating our 30th wedding anniversary this coming September.

What do you love most about your partner?

Kathy: I love that we have known each other for so many years and encourage each other to keep evolving, growing and learning. We’re supportive of each other and are having more fun together in every year that passes.  It doesn’t hurt that he is a Robert Redford look-alike!

Chuck: I married a beautiful woman who is a beautiful person. How lucky is that?! The natural warmth and grace that attracted me to her still remains. The fact that we continue to find new adventures to enjoy together makes it a great journey.

What do you think is the success to your relationship?


What does your ideal date night entail?

Kathy: It’s a toss up between exploring new dinner restaurants either locally, in other cities or countries or a wonderful night at our home with just the two of us, take out and a great bottle of Pinot Noir.

Chuck: At anchor at sunset on our boat.

What is your song?

Kathy: When Chuck asked me to marry him we had the radio on and “As Time Goes By” played right after his proposal.  Heaven knows what station we had on, but it’s a wonderful memory and the song is such a classic.