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In every relationship, there are topics that are difficult to discuss. However, getting it out in the open will make you feel better and allow the two of you to find ways to resolve it.

Finding the Right Time to Talk

First and foremost you need to find the right time and place to have a serious discussion. If it’s something sexual, such as erectile dysfunction, having the freedom to express yourself in a remote place that contains only the two of you is ideal. This way you can have a serious talk and together find ways to help reduce the problem. Doing a bit of research ahead of the discussion on possible treatment options like prescription medications, diet, and equipment like an ED ring, is also beneficial. 

Be Direct, Yet Sensitive

Sensitive topics are not something that anyone wants to bring up. However, in order for the relationship to flourish, you must address them in a loving and caring manner. For example, a person who has body odor knows it’s a problem. However, they may feel they have it under control. Start the conversation soft with empathy and then let them know that it’s a problem they can fix. Reassuring them that you love them and want what’s best for them is important. After all, if the odor is that bad, it can affect not only the relationship but also their job and friendships too. 

Remain Focused on the Topic

It’s easy to go off topic when something is difficult to discuss. However, coming from you, the one person in the world they want to be with, is important. If it’s something that affects you directly, you have an obligation to let your partner know about it. For instance, maybe you have a greater sex drive and want to explore other ways to fulfill your needs. If you are vague or don’t address all of the concerns, you’re not helping the relationship. 

Be a Good Listener

Difficult situations should be a two-sided conversation. Once you release the item of concern, it’s time to sit back and listen to your partner talk. Don’t dominate the conversation with continued interruptions. Hear them out. Sensitive topics affect both you and your partner. They may also have a problem with the topic on your end. 

Keep the Conversation at a Calm Level

Difficult topics of discussion can cause frustration. Unfortunately, this can lead to yelling and even name-calling. Try to avoid this type of behavior as it will only cause an acceleration of anger, which can cause the other party to become silent or leave the home. Instead, encourage a healthy open line of communication where everyone gets their point across in a respectful manner. 

Avoid the Need to Be Right

When you believe you are right, it’s obvious that the other party is wrong. With a sensitive topic, there is no place for right or wrong. You’re there to find mutual solutions. Perhaps your partner has no concept of money and has poor spending habits. Starting the conversation by telling your partner that they are the reason for the financial problems isn’t going to get very far.  

Remain Positive

A positive point of view will allow the conversation to provide results. Reassure your partner that together you can solve any problem. Identify sensitive topics, converse, and then work to resolve them. 

Sensitive topics are never easy to discuss with a loved one. However, avoiding the conversation will only lead to bottled frustration and a strain on your relationship. It’s important to be open and honest with your partner about anything that may bother you.