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Jacynda Smith, CEO and Inventor of TYME

After following her passion, Smith’s hair-styling tool has manifested a $20 million grossing revenue over the past five years.

Age: 40


I have chosen to make beauty my career because I love helping people realize that the beauty industry should make your life easier, not harder.

I am most proud that women have had such amazing results. We get testimonials that make it all worth it!

Seeing people grow is the most rewarding part of what I do, while remembering no frustration, just clarification is the most challenging.

I give back to the community by providing personal time and resources to make a difference. It’s very important for me to have a hands-on experience and make everyone feel beautiful in their own way, and my greatest impact is to help people learn to follow their excitement! 

My greatest advice to share with young girls is learn to remove judgment from your life, both [of] yourself and others. 

My hope for the future of Arizona is that it will flourish with start-ups and new technology, especially Cryptocurrency, one of my passions.