Cosmetic, Implant, and Family Dentistry
• John W. Dovgan, DDS, PC
Dr. Dovgan is listed as one of the “Top Dentists by Consumers Research Council of America.” Dr. Dovgan offers 19 years of clinical and technical expertise, including certification in laser use for hard and soft tissue. We offer Laser Bacterial Reduction, Laser Cavity Detection and Laser Caries Removal. Dr. Dovgan earned his Doctor of Dental Surgery from Creighton University, and is past president of Total Treatment Seminars, a Seattle Study Club affiliate. He has been named to the National Register of Who’s Who in Executives and Professionals and has lectured on laser technology. He is also a 13-year consultant to the Arizona State Board of Dental Examiners.
3841 East Thunderbird Rd, Suite 101, Phoenix 85032
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