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According to Dr. Feyre-Melk, “more than 70 percent of people regularly experience physical or psychological symptoms caused by stress.” In many cases, stress releases adrenalin and cortisol, which in turn make your heart race and often cause your digestive system to slow down. When the stressful situation passes, typically your body goes back to normal. “However, in times of chronic stress,” says Dr. Feyre-Melk, “the relaxation response doesn’t happen enough and the autonomic nervous system become chronically over activated.” That is where the real problems begin including anything from depression to obesity to heart disease and everything imaginable in between.

So how do you keep those terrible things from happening to you? The most important this is find a way to relax. Here are some ways for you to keep your cool when you are feeling maxed out.



Even if the flexibility gene skipped you, you can still reap serious benefits from tapping into that inner yogi. The breaths involved with yoga are key to relaxation and allow you to really focus on pushing out your negative thoughts and feelings.



Keep your journal by your side and write in it during times of frustration. Writing your feelings out is a great way to get them out of your system in a healthy way. It also helps to really put your feelings of anger in perspective if you go back later in the day and read what you wrote.



Sometimes we get so busy that the last thing we want to do is meet up with a friend for coffee. Don’t cut those friends out of your life – they are key to your survival! Tuning out of your life and into the life of another is another great way to ease stress. Also, having a friend to vent to is nice too.



Exercise. No, you don’t need to run 10 miles a day or spend two hours at the gym. But you do need to get active. Even a 10 minute walk in your neighborhood will bring immensely positive results to your mind and body.



Listening to music can lower blood pressure and anxiety, so why not? Choose calming music that allows you to tune out from your surroundings and really focus your mind on relaxing.