HomeFeaturesFeatures › AZFoothills.com Accepting Nominations for Battle of the Blogs 2014


Bloggers, start your search engines! It’s time to find out if the pen really is mightier than the sword in AZFoothills.com second annual Battle of the Blogs.

Contributors from all over the nation will throw down in a blogosphere coup de force as the public votes on their favorites from June 13th to July 28th. Who will arise victorious? Only you the readers can decide!

We’re accepting nominations from now until June 13th so round up your favorite blog sites and send ‘em our way. Whether it’s fitness, food, or fashion…Wordpress, Tumblr or Livejournal…it’s a battle royal and a fight til the blue screen of death!

The top four blogs with the most votes will receive a static banner ad on all AZFoothills.com pages for one week, be featured in AZFoothills.com E-newsletters, get an editorial mention in Arizona Foothills Magazine, snag some super social media promotion, and be given a very special guest blog spot!

Submit your nominations now to This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it . Nominations MUST include the following information to be acccepted:

1. Blog name and description

2. Blog logo image, 380px wide

3. Screenshot of blog homepage, 650px wide

See you on the battlefield bloggers!