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Dr. Mark Wooden of Grand Canyon University

Dr. Mark Wooden, recently elected to serve as next year’s Chair of the Greater Valley Area Health Education Center Advisory Board, calls himself “a third-generation Phoenician.” After graduating high school, Wooden didn’t go directly to college. Rather, he decided to start a family early in life. At age 30, Wooden furthered his education at local community colleges, exploring different degree options. His interest in biology led him to Arizona State University’s Conservations Biology Program where he later began his Ph.D. program in comparative and integrative physiology. After taking on some teaching opportunities, Wooden realized educating would be his new tenure in life.

Starting in 2004, Wooden has taught full-time at Grand Canyon University, in addition to establishing various health sciences programs. His dedication to his students, fellow faculty members and work ethic made Wooden more than suitable to be the dean of the university’s new College of Health and Sciences, which will open in the fall. “The new college has all the support, teamwork and focus necessary to provide an exceptional learning environment and college experience for all our students,” he says.

Wooden has left a lasting impact on GCU and will continue to do so as the new college flourishes. In addition to maintaining the university’s community feel, Wooden says, “[I] will continue to educate both students and other teachers in ways that ensure all the students we touch will grow personally and become better informed.” —E. L.