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Chef Joshua Hebert of Posh Restaurant (@poshrestaurant)

Followers: 763

Following: 493

Number of Tweets: 1,301

Favorite person to follow?

Why did you start Tweeting?
It started as a way of disseminating information about the restaurant and now it’s just general exposure for the restaurant, as well as a sense of community…awwww.

What do you never Tweet about?

What Tweet has generated the most response?
During one of the Lakers/Suns playoff games on a Saturday in May, I only had 10 reservations because of the game. So I Tweeted 50 percent off your entire bill and 40 people showed up to take advantage of it.

What is the strangest place you've Tweeted from?
In the pool in my backyard…hoping not to drop my phone.

How do you choose who you follow?
I’ll follow anyone who doesn’t Tweet 200 times a day and who doesn’t get too political. I like to keep it about food, customers and fun. I won’t follow anyone who is negative.

iPhone or BlackBerry?