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Fay Fredricks is a three-time Emmy recipient news anchor for 12 News Today. Ranging from the Olympics to presidential debates, Fredricks covers a variety of local and national topics to keep Arizonans informed and up to date. Aside from reporting, Fredricks enjoys traveling and hopes to one day fulfill her dream vacation in Africa.

Followers: 1,330

Following: 237

Number of Tweets: 288

Favorite person to follow?

I actually use Twitter primarily as a news consolidation service, monitoring it from the anchor desk from 4:30 p.m. to 7 a.m. throughout 12 News Today. Stories break on Twitter and we frequently update and change our coverage as new information crosses my Twitter feed.

Why did you start Tweeting?

I love the concept of instant access to information. Plus, I can browse topics quickly without having to click through a Web site.

What do you never Tweet about?

I try not to bore people with mundane personal stuff – ‘just finished washing the dishes’– whew-hoo.

What Tweet has generated the most response?

I think it was ‘Who is ready for Friday?’ or something like that. It was not exactly ‘deep thoughts’ but definitely tapping into the Twitter-verse’s mood that morning.

What is the strangest place you've Tweeted from?

I had to sneak a Tweet on a flight recently. The passenger next to me was such a jerk to the flight crew (and everyone else). I really wanted to take a picture and post it, but opted just to Tweet about him instead.

How do you choose who you follow?

I started with friends, newsmakers and news organizations, and then started browsing their lists. Also, if I get a ReTweet and the original person is entertaining, I’ll follow them too.

iPhone or BlackBerry?

iPhone all the way.