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Carole Moreno

carole moreno

Husband: Arte Moreno, owner of the Los Angeles Angels
Heart Ball Chair: 2002
Money raised: $1.3 million
Proudest Moment: “Having the opportunity to show appreciation and recognition to our donors the night of the ball.”

As a mother of two, Carole Moreno has been a homemaker and community volunteer most of her life. But, as chair of the Phoenix Heart Ball, she was heading a benefit that touched close to home. “I feel as a family we have directly benefited from the good work they [the American Heart Association] do,” Moreno says. “My mother has some issues with irregular heartbeats and has been in and out of the hospital with issues concerning her heart.”

Taking the reins just after 9/11 posed unique obstacles Moreno remembers all too clear. “It could have been a more difficult time to approach corporations and individuals for fundraising. However, I was humbled by the support that came in at all levels,” she says. “The truth is, heart disease touches everyone in some realm or another.”

Moreno’s full-time role coordinating, fundraising and managing the organization’s numerous committees and subcommittees paid off at the year’s most dashing dinner party, which collected more than $1 million in donations. “The wonderful thing about this committee is that it’s made up of dedicated women, whom I have made the greatest friendships with,” Moreno says.