HomeFabulosity by Corbin Chamberlin › Closet Case: Su Yip Talks Personal Style

Su Yip is a fearless fashionista. The relentlessly chic Su keeps a closet full of Pamela Love, Rick Owens and a plethora of vintage- all components of her unorthodox sense of style. Too often the “free spirit” and deliberate “oddball” types of dressers are detergent of taste and absent of polish that is necessary to pull off the look. Su refrains from this, keeping an underling and sometimes disguised form of elegance throughout her peculiar look.

She fancies fur, especially that of Mongolian lamb, a heavy wedge-shoe and a waspy dress, a typical uniform for Su. When asked which six items of clothing no one should be without, Su says she needs “jeans that fit like a glove, a crisp white shirt, a classic trench coat, a badass leather jacket a la Rick Owens and  basics like perfectly slouchy tees and menswear pants.”

The taste-maker is said to have a jewelry collection in the works, which will undoubtedly encompass the fabulous taste of its designer.

And so, I sit down with Su Yip to get her thoughts on fashion...

How would you describe your style?

If you had to wear one item of clothing for the rest of your life, what would it be?
My washed leather Haider Ackermann jacket. Impractical, but I love it.

If you could steal one person's wardrobe, who's would it be?
Taylor Tomasi Hill. She epitomizes effortless chic topped off with the perfect amount of edge.

What is the crown-jewel of your closet?
A vintage kimono that belonged to my mother