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Total Softie

It can be so terrible in the summer, drying your crispy pool hair every single day. Who wants to spend the summer's hottest months roasting under a stream of hot air and thrashing your locks? Not I.

I read about Frederic Fekkai's Shea Pot De Creme online somewhere, and how it makes your hair conducive to soft waves and even helps cut your blowdrying action in half. It really does works wonders- you can get by with minimal bathroom time!

Simply work a tiny bit through your shampooed and conditioned tips (we're talking a tiny bit) and mess with it randomly as you allow hair to air dry about 75%. Braid it, un-braid it, twist it, pigtails- What-ev-er.  Then blast your roots with a dryer for a little lift. Your hair will be wavy and soft as a Pantene ad.

Thank me later.

Amazonalt, $32.