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While Kuladevi’s world-wide dream wellness retreats have yet to make its way to the Valley, Grover plans on bringing her practice to Scottsdale sometime soon.  The retreats start at $900, offering fabulous food, multi-level yoga courses, and fun fitness activities.  There are also neat outdoor activity options including hiking and surfing, considering they choose desirable retreat locations like Mexico, Santa Barbara, and Hawaii.   However, if you can’t attend a retreat, the yogis are willing to make house-calls to Arizona, giving you one-on-one yoga instruction—for a price. 

“We’ve developed lifestyle guidelines that aren’t just a quick, Hollywood-diet type temporary fix.”

On her down time (if any!), Grover spends QT with her man who she says is sensitive and kind.  However, her type of guy is also not afraid to take charge and make her feel like a woman.  Grover eventually wants a family, but remains focused on her growing business.

“My goal is for all my clients to leave with super tight abs.”

And if you want A-list abs, Grover suggests investing in a good personal trainer, pushing yourself, and creating a nutritionally based diet.  Also, you can’t go wrong adding some yoga into your regular routine—who knows…you just might end up looking like the blond-haired bombshell. 

For more information, check out www.kuladevi.com.

rsz nadine
