HomeFeaturesMoney › 4 Key Things You Need to Know About CPGs: A Quick Guide for Businesses


Consumer packaged goods (CPGs) are a crucial component of the modern-day economy. They are defined as products that are used directly by consumers. They can include any number of different items, from cleaning supplies to food, drinks, and other types of consumable products. CPGs are produced in large quantities and can often be found on the shelves of retail stores or online shopping sites. Businesses that produce and sell CPGs have had to evolve their operations to keep up with changing customer demands. As a result, companies today are looking for ways to create and deliver CPGs that are more personalized and tailored to the unique needs of their customers. 

If you want to leverage the power of CPGs as a business, there are four key things you should know:

  • Purpose-led Brands Outperform a Confused Brand Voice

To create a successful CPG brand, you need to have a clear purpose and voice. This means that your company needs to know what it intends to accomplish and how that purpose will be communicated. If you have a clear purpose, then other aspects of your brand, such as the design of your packaging and the look of your website, will come together to create a unified brand message. If you are not clear about why you exist as an organization, then your brand will be confused, and customers will not be able to trust what you are saying. This will directly impact your ability to sell products.

  • Customers Prefer Personalized Shopping Experiences

Today’s customers want shopping experiences that are tailored specifically to their needs. They want to see products that are customized for them and want the ability to choose what items will go into their shopping cart. As a business owner, you can provide this kind of experience to your customers by making the online shopping process more personalized and interactive. This will require you to collect data about your customers and create unique profiles for each individual. You can then use this data to recommend products, provide targeted advertisements, and show customers products compatible with items they have previously purchased.

  • Customer Experience is More Important Than Price

The modern consumer is accustomed to finding the best possible product on a price comparison site. If they cannot find it, they will look for another website where they can compare prices and find the best deal. As a business, you want to avoid this type of process because it undermines customer loyalty, decreases the chances that a customer will return, and makes it difficult to charge a premium price for your products. Instead, you need to focus on creating an experience that is so good your customers will want to continue using it. This means providing excellent service, offering products and services with superior quality, and designing an online shopping experience that is easy and convenient for the consumer.

  • Supplier Diversity is Critical for Success

No matter what kind of CPG business you are in, it is critical to developing supplier diversity. This means that a wide variety of suppliers must be included in the production process. This is important because it will give you access to innovative new products and services and allow you to work with suppliers from several different backgrounds. By fostering supplier diversity, your business will be able to find new ways to improve the quality and efficiency of your production process while honoring the unique cultural perspectives of your suppliers.

The Power of CPGs

As a business owner, it is essential to understand the power that CPGs can have over your organization. While it is possible to create and sell products without CPGs, they are a valuable tool that any business can use to improve its customer base and increase profits. By understanding the four key points listed above, you will be able to create a CPG that can meet customers’ changing needs and keep your business competitive in today’s market. To learn more about how modernizing your CPG workflow can help your business, connect with the experts at RIVIR to discuss.