If you attend college directly after high school graduation, it may be the first time you are responsible for your finances. Even if you paid for your car, auto insurance, or some other expenses, this is probably the first time you were expected to look ahead at your expenses and determine how much you would need to survive. Taking out private student loans allows you to borrow the money you need to earn your degree. You can borrow enough to cover your living expenses as well. Because of the generous borrowing limit offered with student loans, it can be tempting to add a cushion for spring break, or perhaps rent an apartment with more amenities than you need.
While these are common uses for loans, it may not be the best choice in the long run. While you are working out how much money you should borrow to cover your expenses, take some time to input numbers in a student loan repayment calculator. Using one of these calculators allows you to see how much your monthly payment will be when you are ready to repay your loans. Once you see what type of monthly payment you are facing, you may decide to make different choices when it comes to borrowing for school. Fortunately, you don’t have to deprive yourself during your college years. By making some smart choices, you can lower your monthly expenses in ways you won’t even miss.
Buy Used Textbooks
There is generally no reason to purchase new textbooks. Purchasing used can be a tremendous cost saving. Additionally, you can probably find the textbooks you need for less money by either purchasing used online or from a fellow student. Even the used textbooks in your college bookstore will cost more than they would from other sources.
Be Smart with Your Meals
Food can be a huge monthly expense. As a freshman, you may be required to use a meal plan, but even that does offer some flexibility. Lowering your grocery costs is a great way to save some money. Schools often have a variety of activities, and these activities often include free food. Pizza, cookies, and other offerings are often yours for the taking just by passing through the student union. Another way to save money on meals is by taking a part-time job at a restaurant or cafe. As long as the hours allow you to maintain your grades, these can be great jobs. In addition to the extra money, many food services jobs allow you to eat free when you work a shift, and some let you take extra food home if you work closing.
Choose Housing Carefully
While many schools require freshmen to live in dorms, after the first year you will have more options. It can be tempting to find an off-campus apartment complex with a pool, gym, and many other amenities. While these are nice, they aren’t necessary. Less expensive apartments can save you thousands during the time it takes you to earn your degree. If you want to lower expenses even more, consider staying on campus and working as a resident advisor. These positions are low-stress and typically eliminate your housing costs.