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Though mending owies and changing diapers are some of the not-so-enjoyable parts of the job, being a mama also means endless kisses, cuddles and “I love yous.” To mark this month’s Mother’s Day holiday, AFM asks five very special Valley moms this question: What do you enjoy most about motherhood?

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“The best part of being a mother is that small moment. It’s the kisses, the strokes on the cheek, that tiny voice saying ‘Mama, come snuggle,’ the sweet smell of ‘blue blank’ (even after five years), the giggles, the running leap into your arms, the book-reading and paper airplane-making. It’s wrapping your child in your arms after he’s fallen, the smile when he ties his shoes for the first time and experiencing a love that transforms you. In between all of those moments, sure, you feel like a crazy person trying desperately to keep it all together, but those moments, yeah, that’s the sweet spot.”

Tanya Wheeless, Phoenix Suns Senior Vice President of Communications & Public Affairs and mother of Jake, 6, and stepmother of Audrey, 18, and Ross, 15