It's More Common Than You Might Think
What do millions of Americans have in common with stars like super model Gigi Hadid and Sex and the City’s Kim Cattrall? Two not-so-sexy words: thyroid issues. Whether you’re more of a Samantha, Charlotte, Miranda, or Carrie, there’s a good chance—1 in 8, to be exact—that someone at your brunch table will experience thyroid issues. Don’t worry: celebs aren’t the only ones who can overcome these common disorders. Drs. John Robinson and Cristina Bosch, better known as the Sex Docs, have the answers to all your questions on this vital hormone-producing gland.
Balanced Health is on the Horizon
Stress. Work. Everyday life. We tend to make excuses when we don’t feel like ourselves, but you or your doctor may be overlooking the main issue. The American Thyroid Association (ATA) estimates that 20 million Americans suffer from some form of thyroid disorder, more than half of those affected as unaware of their condition. From Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis to Grave’s Disease, thyroid disorders are a real problem. Unfortunately, the epidemic of undiagnosed issues and inadequate thyroid treatment only makes matters worse. That’s where the Sex Docs come in: with personalized treatments for their patients and guidance for anyone who wants to take charge of their thyroid health.
You Have Options
Do you think you are experiencing the silent epidemic of thyroid disorders? Don’t ignore your intuition. Your body is trying to tell you something, and you’re not alone. At The Hormone Zone, the Sex Docs regularly treat men and women for common thyroid disorders. The ThyroZone is a highly-developed thyroid management system that equips patients to make informed decisions. This comprehensive plan provides patients with not only an accurate diagnosis for thyroid disease, but also effective solutions and integrated treatment to deliver real results.
Empower Yourself for Better Living
Hormonal health relates back to optimal metabolism, but our metabolic health isn’t plain and simple. That’s why Drs. Robinson and Bosch wrote ThyroZone: Real Thyroid Solutions for Better Health & Better Living. Consider it a portable consultation, with everything from a symptom questionnaire to a history of thyroid treatments. Their latest book answers common questions about the wonder gland. Empower yourself by learning to identify the signs, symptoms and causes of thyroid disease with your own copy of ThyroZone: Real Thyroid Solutions for Better Health & Better Living.
Any more questions? Reach out to schedule an appointment with the Sex Docs. The Hormone Zone offers a comprehensive medical approach to enhancing the issues of aging.
Find the Sex Docs at:
Phone: 480.338.8070
Instagram: @TheSexDocs