We’ve all been there: you’re feeling tired, losing focus and everyone is on your last nerve. When that Monday feeling creeps into the weekend—and the bedroom—it’s time to break free from low testosterone with a visit to the Sex Docs, aka Dr. Cristina Bosch and Dr. John Robinson. At The Hormone Zone, the Sex Docs use cutting-edge treatment to reignite your passion.
Getting Low
A short fuse and a fizzling sex life are just the start of symptoms that come with low testosterone levels. Low T-levels are associated with conditions ranging from heart disease and osteoporosis to depression and erectile dysfunction. Studies show that, over the past few decades, men’s sperm count and testosterone levels have lowered across the globe. This decline in testosterone affects libido, both in intimate relationships and beyond the bedroom.
Stay Driven
Testosterone fuels our sex drive, but it also revs the motors that keep us motivated. “There’s a problem with a libido for life,” says Dr. Robinson. “There’s a decrease in that desire that drives our motivation, not just in relation to sex. Men crave a sense of purpose, and testosterone gives you that drive to hunt for your life purpose.”
Revive Your Lust for Life
Lack of motivation isn’t the only issue: lifestyle changes, like the kids leaving for college, can throw us off-balance. “These issues are exacerbated by the physiological effects of declining hormones,” explains Dr. Bosch. “In a way, the notion of a mid-life crisis relates to low testosterone.” Re-upping your T-levels might not keep you from buying that shiny new Harley on a whim, but it can help you find balance. “Testosterone is more than just a hormone,” says Dr. Bosch. “It’s a quality of life tool.”
Level Up
Your testosterone levels can strike the spark that reignites who you are at your best. Dr. Robinson and Dr. Bosch share over 20 years of experience administering hormone pellet therapy. This procedure has a quick, easy compliance and offers a steady release of hormones, keeping the patient’s levels consistent. Individualized treatment plans consider lifestyle changes that can optimize each patient’s hormone therapy.
Healthy is a lifestyle, and your wellness deserves to be approached comprehensively. At The Hormone Zone, the Sex Docs keep themselves busy at work so you can get busy between the sheets. Don’t settle for less than your sexiest, healthiest self.
Want to learn more? Find the Sex Docs at:
Website: thesexdocs.com
Phone: 480.338.8070
Instagram: @TheSexDocs