HomeFeaturesHealth › 7 Things That Should Concern You During Pregnancy


Pregnancy is one of the most exciting times in a woman's life, but it can also be one of the most challenging. Between morning sickness, fatigue, and swollen feet, there are plenty of potential complications during pregnancy that could lead to serious problems for both mother and child. Thankfully, modern medicine has made it easier than ever before for expectant mothers to receive treatment if anything goes wrong. However, it’s best to be aware of potential problems so you can get intervention early enough to help.

So, what should really concern you during pregnancy? Here are seven things that should make an expectant mother reach out for extra support:

Bleeding or Spotting

Bleeding or spotting, especially if you're having cramps, may or may not be a normal symptom of pregnancy. Some women experience spotting or bleeding during implantation, while others experience a little spotting throughout the pregnancy. It may be heavier, lighter, or the same amount as your normal period. If you're experiencing bleeding or spotting, it could be a sign that something's wrong with the pregnancy. It’s best to seek out medical advice, not just advice from online mommy groups if you are experiencing bleeding during pregnancy.  

Finding Pregnancy Safe Kitty Litter

If you’re a cat lover, the bad news is that cleaning out the litter box can be a source of problems during pregnancy. Most people don’t think about kitty litter and pregnancy, but some cats can carry a rare, but dangerous parasite called toxoplasma gondii. Under normal conditions, this parasite is unlikely to cause problems, but during pregnancy, it can lead to a small risk of miscarriage. It’s best to let your partner or spouse handle the litter box during pregnancy or find a pregnancy-safe cat litter. In the event that this is impossible, wearing a mask and gloves while you clean the box, and using better litter can significantly reduce the risk of transmission.

Your Water Breaks Before Labor is Started

If your water breaks before labor starts or when you are pre-term, contact your doctor immediately and DO NOT drive to the hospital. You will be given orders for what to do to keep yourself and your baby safe. Do not take a bath or shower, do not use tampons, do not insert anything into the vagina until after delivery. If leaking fluid is visible outside of the vagina, wear a pad when you go out in public and change it often if needed.

Decreased Movement in Your Baby

As your baby grows, his or her movements change. When you're early in your pregnancy, you may notice that your baby is moving around more as he or she adjusts to the new space. As your uterus grows, however, it becomes harder for your baby to move around. This means that you'll start feeling less movement later on in pregnancy. That said, if you notice sudden changes in your baby's movements—meaning he or she stops moving altogether—this could be a sign of something serious and should be discussed with your doctor.

Pain During Pregnancy

Any pain during pregnancy should be investigated, especially pain in the lower abdomen. This could be a sign of premature labor and if it is not treated, your baby could be born prematurely or die. Pain in the lower abdomen can also be a sign of a more serious problem like appendicitis, ectopic pregnancy, or an infection in your fallopian tubes. If you’re pregnant and experiencing pain, it’s best to get examined by a doctor or midwife to rule out any major issues.  

Excessive Vomiting That Leads to Dehydration

The first thing you should know about vomiting during pregnancy is that it can be a sign of a serious problem. You should contact your doctor if you are vomiting more than usual, especially if it's accompanied by other symptoms such as fever or abdominal pain. Some women experience excessive vomiting during pregnancy, a condition known as hyperemesis gravidarum. When this happens, dehydration often sets in which can be dangerous for both mom and baby. In this case, IV fluids and medication to control vomiting would be prescribed.

Severe Headaches or Blurred Vision

Severe headaches and blurred vision are not common during pregnancy, but they do occur. If you experience a severe headache or blurred vision during pregnancy, you should contact your doctor immediately.