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Hope for the Cause Mirabel Chairty Classic, an annual charity event benefiting the clinical trails program (CTP) at the Scottsdale Healthcare Research Institute (SHRI), is set to take place Saturday, March 3, through Sunday March 10. The week-long charity classic will feature a fun 5K walk/run, a men’s and women’s golf and tennis day, and an evening reception with a live and silent auction. Support the cause by taking your best golf or tennis swing on March 7 and 8 (men-only and women-only, respectively), and be sure to participate in the live and silent auctions, all benefiting a great cause. The live and silent auction includes many luxuries like getaways to Hawaii, spa indulgences, wine baskets and golf packages.

CTP is a research program focused on personalized medicine that is helping to fight the war against cancer. CTP has evaluated over 70 new agents in clinical trials and has seen more than 2,000 patients from Arizona, 48 states and five countries.

For more information, please visit www.mirabel.com.