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What's In That Diaper?!


It certainly looks like poo in a newborn diaper, but don't worry-it's just scrumptious chocolates. With this game, you take newborn diapers (you need as many diapers as you have types of chocolates, generally five) and put a piece of chocolate in the middle of the diaper. Then, microwave the diaper until the chocolate is warm and melted. Repeat this until all the types of chocolates have been melted in separate diapers. It's fun to use chocolates with different consistencies like a Hersey's Bar, Snickers, Baby Ruth, 100 Grand and Twix. Mark each diaper with A, B, C, D, etc. Then, taking the diapers around the room, each guest has to sniff and taste the diaper-at their own discretion-to guess what type of chocolate is in the diaper. The winner is the one who can courageously guess the most types of chocolate bars!