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If you were to predict the next up and coming area of Scottsdale, consider looking to the south. Situated along a one-mile stretch of McDowell Road just east of Scottsdale Road is a surprisingly sophisticated blend of international commerce, cuisine and lodging.


SKYSONG, ASU’s international trade and technology innovation center opened its doors last spring and has been quietly forging global alliances between local technology incubators such as the Edson Student Entrepreneur Initiative, ASU Technopolis and the Enterprise Arizona Venture Center, and business entities from Europe, Asia, Canada and Mexico. The goal is to bring together the best and the brightest entrepreneurs from our state’s university system and provide them with mentoring and professional support until their fledging companies can soar solo, much like the 125-foot canopy of sail shades that crown the two existing office buildings. When completed, the 1.2 million square foot, mixed-use development will include retail and residential units alongside research and office space, as well as a hotel and conference center. www.skysongcenter.com