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How many people did you help?

"We saw more than 160 people within the week that we were in Nicaragua."

Kids or adults?

"A mixture of both."

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Where did you stay? Any dangerous moments?

"We stayed in a little hotel in Boaca, which was no Hilton, just tile floor and a bed. The shower was just a pipe coming out of the wall releasing cold water.

On the fourth night when we arrived back at the hotel, we were told to stay inside because there had been a coup. The local government had been overthrown and riot police were out in the streets. We witnessed no violence but we did hear firecrackers in the streets and it was quite noisy all night."

What was your greatest enjoyment?

"It's always rewarding to help someone’s immediate need, but on the last night in Boaco they had a fiesta with music and dancing and they fed us. It was wonderful to see the people we had worked with for the last week celebrate with central American style. Also, I have to say, it was pretty great to watch the world cup football games with the crazy fans of Central America."

How did you have time to do this?

"I took almost two weeks off from work."

When did you become a D.D.S.?

"I graduated from Loma Linda University in 2004."

What is the history of your practice and your personal belief/goals in life?

"I now practice with my father at Briggs Family and Cosmetic Dentistry in Scottsdale.  It is amazing to work with my family and I could not have a better mentor than my father who's list of personal and professional accomplishments is too long to list.  

My personal belief in life is that I have been sooooo blessed with all that I have and feel a responsibility to give back to others, i.e. mission work. In my practice and in life, my belief is simple… take care of people."

How did you win "Best Dentist in the Valley" on AZFoothills.com?

"I have only been out of dental school six years. I could not tell you how I have been fortunate enough to win the awards that I have. I would like to think it is due to my level of patient care and craftsmanship."