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LeAnn Hull


AFM: Where do you currently live in your district?

LH: I was born and raised in this district, raised my four children in this district, operated my construction company of 26 years in this district, and currently live at Carefree Highway and 16th St.

AFM: Why are you running for Congress?

LH: I chose to run for office after flying to Washington, D.C. last March 2009 to voice my concerns for the survival of my business. My voice was not heard there or here, so I decided that small business [and] middle class America needed to have real representation. Nobody better than me! My leadership in life, marriage and business make me the perfect candidate.

AFM: What will be your biggest challenge winning?

LH: My biggest challenge in this race is to get the attention necessary to promote my message. I have discovered that the media predetermines who is worthy and viable based on the money that they have raised. Candidates are not given a fair shot to be heard based on their qualifications only. Therefore, the same ole’ same ole’ continues to occur. Thus change is highly unlikely unless we change this process.

AFM: What is the first issue you will address if you are in Congress in 2011?

LH: My campaign approach is very different because my desire for a different result is at the forefront of my thought process. I am not fundraising like all the other candidates, which allows me to not be beholden to anyone or any group. Also it sends a loud and clear message that I am in touch with the need for a reduction in wasteful spending and fiscal responsibility. I am also connected to the real struggle of most Americans, as I am a contractor who is looking to move us to a better economy.

AFM: How much money have you currently raised?

LH: I have had a few people contribute approximately $7,000. Just enough to get a Web site and some cards and signs. My "staff" is volunteer and small, but passionate and powerful.

AFM: Who is your mentor and why?

LH: My mentors have been my family and fellow business associates. These are the most important people in my life and my reason for running for office.

For more information on LeAnn Hull, visit www.leannhullforcongress.com.

**Arizona Foothills Magazine reached out to all Congressional candidates in the running for Arizona’s 3rd district. The responses above are supplied by those candidates who responded via e-mail.