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Meet Erik Peterson, a Key to the Cure sponsor, as he shares his involvement with the organization.

How did you get involved with Key to the Cure? 

Michael Dee introduced me to Vicki Vaughn who introduced us to the cause.

Are you involved with any other charities?

St. Mary’s Food Bank, Phoenix Children’s Hospital, Southwest Center for AIDS/HIV

How are you sponsoring Key to the Cure?

Diva Level

What do you hope the future holds for Key to the Cure as far as your sponsorship?

We would always love to do more, but it is a challenge every year to balance our contributions

Below are some fun facts about Erik:

I was born…

in Chicago, Il Sept. 4, 1970

My favorite thing about Arizona…

the great weather.

I'm listening to… 

Coldplay “Paradise.”

My family… 

consists of my wife Kimberly, daughter Noelle (7) and son Ridge (9).

If I could have dinner with anyone, it would be…

Frank Lloyd Wright.

One thing I cannot live without…[Erik]  

passion – it is what keeps me going every day.

When I was younger, I wanted to be…

an astronaut.

I'm inspired by…

Louis Sullivan and Frank Lloyd Wright.

The one person who motivates me is…

my wife.

If I could change anything in the world, it would be…

bad attitudes.

The perfect day would be…

playing with my children all day.

My first job was…

caddie at our local country club.

My favorite escape…

Bora Bora.

My life... 

is blessed.

I'm currently working on… 

the largest home in North America under construction.


treat others as you would like to be treated.


give up.

To learn more about Key to the Cure, visit tgenfoundation.org.