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Meet Brigid Devney-Rye, passionate about Key to the Cure, as she shares her story and involvement with the organization. 

How did you get involved with Key to the Cure? 

My sister, Katie Mueller, has been very involved in Key to the Cure. Last year she invited me as her guest.  To my surprise, she was the guest speaker, she shared her story of surviving breast cancer. I decided to get involved in Key to the Cure because it is such a positive and fun event and because the proceeds go to T-Gen. The research that T-Gen is doing saves women just like my sister. 

Are you involved with any other charities?

Yes, I donate a portion of the proceeds from every purse that I knit and felt for my business (Make it Be) to the Progeria Research Foundation. I met a knitter whose grandson has this rare disease, which causes children to age at a rapid pace and greatly shortens their life span, and wanted to help. 

How are you sponsoring Key to the Cure?

I will be attending Key to the Cure with my daughter, mother, and four sisters. By supporting this cause we will be raising funds and awareness for breast and ovarian cancer research. This year, these two aggressive diseases will claim the lives of more than 54,000 women, I’d like to help put an end to that.

What do you hope the future holds for Key to the Cure as far as your sponsorship?

I hope that this event will grow and that more awareness will be paid to the research of breast and ovarian cancers and that ultimately a cure will be found. 


Here are some fun facts about Brigid: 

I was born...

in Phoenix, Arizona at St. Joseph’s Hospital.

My favorite thing about Arizona...

is that it’s a big city that has a small town feel. 

I'm listening to...

Cheryl Richardson (author and life coach) on Hayhouse Radio.

My family...

consists of my husband of 24 years, my 15 year old daughter and our little dog Johnny. I also have four sisters and my mom and a warm and loving extended family on both sides.

If I could have dinner with anyone, it would be...

Dr. Wayne Dyer.

One thing I cannot live without…

is my green juice (kale, celery, spinach, parsley, orange and apple). It may sound awful but is delicious, I drink it once or twice a day and feel great.

When I was younger, I wanted to be...

an author or an artist. 

I'm inspires by...

my daughter. She is constantly learning new things and inspires me to do the same. 

The one person who motivates me is…

I don’t have just one person who motivates me. I am blessed with many. If I am with my knitting group, they motivate me to try new things. My tennis group motivates me to be a better player. My family motivates me to be the best person I can be. 

If I could change anything in the world, it would be...

that everyone would support each other to the best of their ability.

The perfect day would be...

spent knitting, playing tennis and have dinner out with my family. 

My first job was...

as an employee at Jack in the Box on Central Avenue, I went upwards from there.

My favorite escape...

the shopping mall.

My life...

is happy.

I'm currently working on...

knitting three purses and one sweater---they are all in various stages. 




eating fast food.

To learn more about Key to the Cure, visit tgenfoundation.org.