HomeFeaturesAZ Giving › It's Cookie Season! Girl Scouts–Arizona Cactus-Pine Council is Celebrating With Fun Community Events & Partnerships

The eagerly anticipated Girl Scout cookie season has begun! Indulge in some of the most nostalgic and delectable cookies money can buy as all nine flavors of the iconic Girl Scout cookies will be available, including the popular Thin Mints and Samoas. 

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Girl Scouts with Board Chair Susan Trujillo, co-CEO Mary Mitchell and co-CEO Christina Spicer

The Girl Scouts–Arizona Cactus-Pine Council (GSACPC) has partnered with local community organizations to host a collection of cookie-related festivities where young girls can explore entrepreneurial opportunities to reach their cookie sales goal. Don't wait too long to purchase cookies as the selling season will conclude on February 25, 2024.

Thousands of young girls across Arizona participate in Girl Scouts every year as they set financial goals and work hard to learn the appropriate communication and decision-making skills required to successfully reach their entrepreneurial goals. As Girl Scouts, young girls are given access to a unique education in financial literacy, fundraising and community building. 

Purchasing cookies supports these young, hard-working girls as all proceeds stay 100% local within the GSACPC. Pricing has remained consistent with last year’s cost while cookie buying opportunities have expanded. 

Supporting these young ladies in their education and confidence-building community has never been easier as the classic Girl Scout sales method has been expanded upon with the Girl Scout Cookie Finder Tool and online ordering options. Cookie orders can be placed with a local Girl Scout; maybe she is a niece, cousin or neighbor. The Digital Cookie platform allows Girl Scouts to expand their sales efforts with a personalized website where cookie enthusiasts can place orders for delivery. If no local Girl Scouts are available, the cookie finder will pinpoint the closest Girl Scout booths for quick and easy cookie indulgence.  

These Girl Scout booths are stationed at local retailers, grocery stores, and small businesses. One of these locations, Cartel Roasting Co., has partnered with GSACPC to provide funding and learning opportunities for Arizona Girl Scouts as the coffee company is hosting cookie booths across their many locations. In the spirit of the season, the Cartel Roasting Co. has introduced a Thin Mint-inspired drink, the mint mocha. Cartel will also contribute 10% of GiveBackblend sales to GSACPC. 

On February 3, Grand Canyon University's women’s basketball team will celebrate Girl Scout Day with on-site cookie booths and a special halftime opportunity for the Girl Scouts in attendance. 

Community events continue with The Bring Home The Cookies 5K, a community walk/run  in partnership with State Forty-Eight on February 24 atWestgate Entertainment District. The easy-going race is open to the community and will be accompanied by a runners' village of food trucks, vendors and booths of Girl Scouts and State Forty-Eight Foundation entrepreneurs. The event supports both foundations and provides the Girl Scouts an opportunity to share what they have learned while continuing to grow with the help of their community. 


GSACPC has helped to support young girls through the Girl Scouts since 1936 and continues to serve over 11,000 grades with the help of over 6,500 adult volunteers and the continued support of the community through cookie sales. 

Find out more about Girl Scouts–Arizona Cactus-Pine Council here

Support the Girl Scouts of Arizona by participating in cookie sales here.

Photos courtesy Girl Scouts–Arizona Cactus-Pine Council