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Invisible Children is a non-profit organization seeking to bring attention and awareness to the crimes committed by Joseph Kony, head of the Lord’s Resistance Army in Uganda, Africa. Invisible Children aims to raise awareness of the abductions of children, who are then forced to become soldiers and live their lives defined by violence, abduction, and mutilation. Invisible Children also began addressing the needs of other African countries such as the Democratic Republic of Congo, South Sudan, and the Central African Republic. It began with three filmmakers traveling to Africa and discovering an on going war in northern Uganda. Now, Invisible Children has started a social media campaign to raise awareness of the LRA and Joseph Kony. The plan is to raise public awareness of Joseph Kony and the LRA. The campaign aims to get the attention of celebrities, politicians, and civilians and eventually capture Joseph Kony.

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Kony 2012 is a film by the Invisible Children organization aiming to make Joseph Kony famous, not for celebration, but to raise awareness for his arrest. The film is 30 minutes long, and provides the history of the crimes committed by Joseph Kony as well as an inside look at the innocent slaughter of civilians. The goal is to get the United States involved in Uganda, by turning awareness into action. The invisible children are now becoming more visible than before, thanks to the funding and action of young people who believe in the value of all human life. Click here to watch Kony 2012.




Kony 2012 at Arizona State University is an event that will be taking place on April 20th 2012 at 12:00 AM in Tempe, Arizona. Various students have started the event by posting it as a Facebook event. The goal is to post posters all over the city, or cover the night to make Joseph Kony famous for his crimes and bring light and attention to Invisible Children and the Kony 2012 campaign. Kony 2012 at ASU aims to have as many people wake up on April 21, 2012 to Kony 2012 posters, and to bring attention to the cause.