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Delivery services are stepping up their game


Purists will find the very concept of prepared meals via a delivery service akin to blasphemy. But we’re not talking about microwave dinners. Meal service delivery providers now offer top-notch cuisine at more than reasonable prices, and the menus just keep getting better. 

Food snobs are everywhere these days. To carnivore food elites, it’s not “real food” unless you hunted it yourself (humanely, of course) and then spent the next several days lovingly cooking it. Then there is the vegan faction for whom the only thing that rates as “food” is organic and preferably raw. 

There’s nothing wrong with the ideas of “real” meat-lovers, neither is there anything wrong with the principles of the veggie pushers. The problem lies in the extremes. If you enjoy meat and cooking, why wouldn’t you prefer cooking “natural,” fresh meat? Vegans are correct that a plant-based diet is generally preferable; and kudos to those who can turn down a nice slice of quality pizza – but such individuals are not the majority. We, the people, don’t usually fall into any militant food camp. Most of us enjoy eating, sometimes merely for pleasure (gasp!). And most of us want a little of everything and are unhappy with food-boredom.   

More fundamentally – whether you’re good or bad at it – most of us simply don’t have the time to prepare and cook healthy, high-quality food. Now don’t tell the militants, but it is possible to eat a diet of pre-prepared meals that includes little to no processed food, plenty of vegetables, and low levels of sugar and salt. In short, it is possible to eat prepared meals that are healthy.

The best providers offer chef-prepared, nutritionally-balanced meals. This review here explains how one can still enjoy “margherita pizza, chicken quesadillas, lasagna, Philly cheesesteak sandwiches, and even triple chocolate cheesecake,” while following a meal-delivery plan that provides solutions for both weight control and maximum nutrition.   

You’d think such services would be rather expensive, but they’re shockingly cheap. We’re taking anywhere from US$6 to US$15 per serving, which might sound like a lot, but table up all the money you spend on dining and snacks and paying for a delivery service seems like a steal. Most people find that after doing the math, prepared meals from a quality delivery service is hands-down cheaper than eating out and gives cooking at home a run for its money. 


Setting aside costs, here are some of the other many pros that make it worth it: Imagine not having to worry about what’s for dinner. Just reading that makes stress melt away. Those who choose to cook know cooking is only the last leg on the journey. First comes grocery shopping, a time-consuming hunt for foods that are wholesome and within your budget. Prepping food is laborious, and even people who steam sweet potatoes and cabbage for every meal need to set aside at least 30 minutes or more for peeling, washing, etc. For those on a diet, next comes worries over food choices, and struggles over portion sizes. Oh, and don’t forget! You’ve got to check on junior’s homework, get in that daily workout, do a little yoga, and answer several hundred emails. 

Knowing what’s for dinner, being confident it’s quality food and having the surety it’s not going to be boring is freeing. Skip beating yourself up for not being the planet’s most awesome chef while also managing a job, or a family, or just 21st century life in general. You deserve a break. 

Dieters get to sit down and eat without a nagging inner voice telling you “that’s too much.” Portion sizes are determined by professionals and tailored to what you need. Many “average” meals at a restaurant include 1200 or more calories, which, as anyone on a diet knows, is most of the calories you’re supposed to eat in a day. Delivery service meals can hack that down to as low as 500 calories a meal – and you’ll finish feeling satisfied due to clever blending of complex carbs and protein-rich foods.  

Many meal service delivery companies update their menus as quickly as every week, and some offer small “sample” dishes as tasters. Using an app, you can rate the samples and they’ll be added or subtracted as desired. 

And good news for our veggie and vegan friends. There are non-meat diets available, and they stick to the concept of mixing things up and helping you count the calories. In fact, choice is probably the biggest “pro” for pre-prepared meals. You can choose between options such as vegan, gluten-free, high protein, or give up control to a higher power and go with the Chef’s choice. 

The right prepared meal service delivery provider can be a cheaper, healthier, faster, easier and tastier choice. Do your homework, find what works for you and enjoy. Bon Appetit!

Purists will find the very concept of prepared meals via a delivery service akin to blasphemy. But we’re not talking about microwave dinners. Meal service delivery providers now offer top-notch cuisine at more than reasonable prices, and the menus just keep getting better.