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Extreme Color
Celebrities like Katy Perry and Rihanna have made it a habit of shocking the public with their style, particularly when it comes to their hair. Perry made a splash this spring when she traded her signature raven locks for bright pink and then electric blue looks and Rihanna put her own spin on the ginger trend when she went fire-engine red.

Now neon hair isn’t for everyone but if you’re one of the braver ones that want to attempt some extreme color into your style, you can experiment with semi-permanent dyes for temporary looks that are washable if you happen to change your mind.

Also, taking a walk on the wild side doesn’t necessarily mean dying all your tresses violet; you can embrace the trend subtly by adding a few colorful pieces to your overall look. Recent popular hair trends like hair chalking that allow you to actually paint sections of your hair any color of the rainbow allow you to embrace a little crazy color without fully committing to the extreme look.