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Energy Upgrades:

solar panel

It might cost more than those new granite counter tops, and it certainly not as fun, but investing in energy upgrades is starting to pay off, now that federal tax credits are back in 2009 (and available til 2016) on installing energy-efficient systems in your home. Solar is the big winner 30 percent of the cost of qualified systems is a tax break. See www.energystar.gov for more information about this.

Reuse or Repurpose:

One way to cut down on your daily garbage is to look at what you are throwing away and see if it actually can avoid the dump by being used elsewhere. When you get a package in the mail, don’t just toss out all the bubble wrap save it for when you have to ship something and use it over again. Same with paper bags. Don’t just throw away those lovely Saks bags form your last shopping spree these make great lunch bags and be used at least five more times before they need to be tossed out.