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You are so classy, what is one thing that you can not attend a party without?
Some dough. You always need cab fare in NYC. And my rule is always be over-dressed because you never know where you'll end up.

Who are your favorite artist?
So many - I love photojournalism: Larry Clark, Bruce Davidson, Garry Winogrand, Diane Arbus, Bruce Gilden, Nan Goldin, William Klein, Martin Parr. I also adore Max Beckmann, Hieronymus Bosch, Andy Warhol, The Chapman Brothers, Cindy Sherman, Neckface, Edward Gorey, Cindy Sherman. The list goes on and on.  

Favorite designers?
To wear (I've never done drag. I wouldn't make a fun-looking woman). I covet Martin Margiela, Michael Bastian, Thom Browne (for shirts), some of the mod stuff Frida Giannini does for Gucci, Fred Perry, John Lobb shoes and the skateboard label Supreme - I collect all their limited edition decks, hats, knives - whatever they dream up. My best duds are all from my tailor though - Timothy Everest, in London. He's the man.

Your Favorite City?
My hometown, New York. (runner ups: London, Paris, Tokyo, Los Angeles, Rio...)

Any new talent that is up-and-coming that we should know about?
Bess on Lafayette Street put punk rock studding back on the style map. Prada totally copied Bess, ditto DSquared, Burberry, Gucci and many other labels. I have Bess studded combat boots and black Converse high tops that i crave daily.

Talk to me about your divine dog Dexter.
I'm Dexter's godfather. His dad is my best friend Thomas Whiteside, a hot young photographer who works for Elle, Details, InStyle, WWD and is always shooting huge stars which is fun. Dexter is a rescue dog (everyone should ONLY rescue pets) and he thinks I'm canine so he nibbles and rough-houses me all the time. He hates skateboards and shopping carts and LA valets. He freaks out when a valet comes near.

Favorite restaurant in the world?
The Lobster Inn, in Southampton. I grew up going there. It has a salad bar and lobsters - what more do you want?

Who are your icons and heros?
I'm not going to say Madonna (though I love her) or Obama (also love) - I think anyone who helps people out is a hero. You get what you give. It's all about karma!

Your sister Minnie Mortimer, she absolutely marvelous. What was she like growing up?
Minnie is my best friend. She has always been the smartest and best looking of the three kids. 

Story continued. Click the next button below to read on.