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RA Sushi Bar Restaurant Scottsdale

RA Sushi Bar Restaurant Scottsdale

This lively sushi bar offers not only a wide variety of fresh sushi, but also a creative menu with innovative Asian-American fusion dishes.

3815 N. Scottsdale Rd.
Scottsdale  AZ 
Website: www.rasushi.com
Email: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it
Phone: 480.990.9256
RA sushi
by Anne R
on January 15, 2010
RA is a great place to dine on a night out. They have amazing sushi and even if you dont eat sushi, they have so much more to offer. The environment is very lively and as soon as you walk in, you feel welcomed. Their service is outstanding, and they always feed to your needs.
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