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Starlight Children's Foundation Arizona

Starlight Children's Foundation Arizona

When a child or teenager has a serious medical condition, everyone in the family is affected. For 25 years, Starlight Children’s Foundation has dedicated itself to helping seriously ill children and their families cope with their pain, fear and isolation through entertainment, education and family activities. Starlight has been providing in-hospital programs to pediatric patients in Arizona hospitals for 15 years, and is well-respected among the hospital community and medical staff. To broaden community reach, mission awareness, and most importantly, to assist more seriously ill children and families, Starlight strategically expanded its services in the region in 2006 to include its community-based outpatient programs. Each year, Starlight Arizona touches the lives of more than 50,000 children.

2 N. Central Ave., Ste. 170-220
Phoenix  AZ  85004
Website: www.starlight.org/arizona
Email: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it
Phone: 480.280.5289
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