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Ronald McDonald House Charities of Phoenix

Ronald McDonald House Charities of Phoenix

Ronald McDonald House operates two Houses in the Phoenix area, the original house at 501 E. Roanoke and the second on the campus of Phoenix Children's Hospital. Ronald McDonald House provides a “home away from home” for families whose children are undergoing medical treatment in Phoenix. Families are asked to pay just $10 a day to stay at the House, but no family is ever turned away because of their inability to pay. The two Houses in Phoenix can accommodate up to 63 families at any one time and serves more than 1,500 families a year. Ronald McDonald House Charities of Phoenix is a non-profit organization supported by individual, corporate and foundation donations. Since 1985, Ronald McDonald House of Phoenix has served more than 28,000 families from across Arizona and around the world.

501 E. Roanoke Ave
Phoenix  AZ  85004
Website: www.rmhcphoenix.com
Email: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it
Phone: 602.798.5092
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