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MASK, Mothers Awareness On School-Age Kids

MASK, Mothers Awareness On School-Age Kids

MASK addresses a wide range of topics including drugs, alcohol, internet safety, eating disorders, depression and bullying-with the goal of improving communication with our children and empowering them to make safe,healthy choices. MASK also gives parents an opportunity to network and share tools that focus on prevention and promote healthy peer relationships. Our vision is to ultimatly see parents and children working together to create a postive shift in our society.

Mission Statement: The mission of Mothers Awareness on School-Age Kids is to educate both parents and children about the issues facing our youth today and to empower our children to make safe, healthy choices.

Twitter: @MASKmom

8937 E. Bell Rd. Suite 202
Scottsdale  AZ  85260
Website: www.maskmatters.org
Email: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it
Phone: 480.502.5337
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