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Jennifer and David Leibowitz

Next time you have a business lunch, hold onto your hat. You could be married in eight short months! Jennifer and David Leibowitz, who live and work together at Leibowitz Solo (a creative consulting, advertising and marketing firm) met each other at a business meeting at Pita Jungle about a year ago. Who knew hummus was an aphrodisiac?


Was it love at first sight?

Jennifer: We met for a business lunch. So, “love” wasn’t really our intention. But, looking back, you could say it was the beginning of love: He caught my attention right away. He captivated my heart soon after.

And recently, we celebrated our “one year anniversary of meeting” at Pita Jungle in Tempe – where it all began. Who knew hummus could be so romantic?


How long have you been together/married?

Jennifer: We’ve been married two months and two days.


What do you love most about your partner?

Jennifer: I love that there was not one thing that kept me from falling head over heels in love with David. I absolutely adore everything about him. As soon as I try to type one attribute – another comes to mind. So, as cliché as it sounds, it’s the truth: I love everything about him.


What do you think is the success to your relationship?

Jennifer: We respect and love each other. Every day.


What does your ideal date night entail?

Jennifer: Ideal date? Going to a Suns game. Against the Lakers. And watching the Suns just crush ‘em. Hey: You said “ideal.”

What is your song?

Jennifer: Millionaire by Solomon Burke. We danced to it at our wedding.