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Ashley and Brad Richardson


You might imagine Ashley and Brad Richardson’s Barbie and Ken good looks would come with a side of ‘tude. Surprisingly, this couple is just as sweet as they are attractive! Ashley is surrounded by love and whimsy at all times as the lead consultant of Ashley Gain Wedding and Events, but isn’t ashamed to admit she met her husband Brad at a less-than-romantaic spot: in a bar.

How did the two of you meet?

It was a Wednesday night at Z Tejas happy hour at Fashion Square. Brad was with his friends and Ashley was with hers, we started talking and next thing you knew Brad asked Ashley for her phone number and her we are....married and living the good life. So, yes, you can meet the person you are going to marry at a bar!


Was it love at first sight?


It was love at third date! Pretty close to love at first sight. We talk about it now and we both agree that we knew we were going to spend the rest of our lives together after that date! Of course, neither one of us said anything to each other at the time but years later we love that we had that same connection. After the date that night Ashley called her mom and told her that she had met the man she was going to marry!


How long have you been together/married?


We dated for six months before we got engaged, got married eight months after that

and have now been married for two and a half years!!


What do you love most about your partner?


Ashley would say her favorite thing about Brad is his intelligence and ability to keep her focused on the important things in life. She knows that no one has ever or could ever love her like Brad does. Brad would say that the thing he loves most about Ashley is her spirit, her joy for life. No matter what the day or situation she keeps a smile on her

face and is always happy.


What do you think is the success to your relationship?


First and foremost love, not only as an emotion but as an action. We put each other first and make sure that our marriage is in the foreground of everything we do. Which makes marriage really easy.


What does your ideal date night entail?

We love getting dressed up, heading to a nice steakhouse, drinking wine and spending time together. We are both very busy in our personal and professional lives so the times we relax together are some of our

favorites. A night at the movies is pretty ideal too!


What is your song?


Rascal Flatts- Day Before You. It was our first dance at our wedding!