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Healthy for the Holidays


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‘Tis the season to eat, drink and be merry. This time last year, we are planning holiday parties, decadent nights out and, of course, our New Year’s resolutions. Resolve to start the new year strong with The Hormone Zone.  Drs. Bosch and Robinson, a k a the Sex Docs, provide the tools to sculpt the body you want—and others will desire—with natural weight loss solutions. 


Easy New Year’s Resolutions That Work


Judy Nicassio, of Scottsdale's Rejuvena Health & Aesthetics, on New Year's resolutions that you can actually stick to year-round, from getting finances in ordering to practicing small acts of kindness.



The key to keeping any New Year’s resolutions is to be realistic and have a sustainable action plan. We not only need to feel inspired, but we have to also be prepared. Here’s a...


A Wakeup Call for Men’s Health

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"Movember” is a good excuse to grow out your mustache for a cause and raise awareness about major men’s health issues. At The Hormone Zone, Drs. Bosch and Robinson, a k a the Sex Docs, are changing the game for a growing men’s health concern that may be affecting you. 


AZ Health: The Pros of Barre Class

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When Burr Leonard, founder of The Bar Method, lived in New York, she dreamed of creating her own barre method workout that would empower women and men. To achieve her goal, she worked with physical therapists and developed a bar method fitness that helped to build beautiful, lean, toned and healthy bodies for life.

In 2001, she opened her first studio in San Francisco, Calif., and soon after, more studios opened in New Jersey, Chicago and New York. She started a new concept of exercise and designed a safe, personal and challenging technique for people of all ages and levels.

Today, there are more than 100...


Give Breast Cancer the One-Two Punch

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The Sex Docs want you to get hands-on with breast health. While October has us thinking pink and raising awareness, breast cancer prevention is a year-round endeavor. Dr.s Cristina Bosch and Dr. John Robinson of The Hormone Zone, share their tips on integrating a balanced dose of prevention into your lifestyle.

Stay in Touch

Prevention plays a big role in your health. Whether you try a self-exam or invite your partner to...

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