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How was your Summer? My Carpal Tunnel came back.


First, we’re going to get hypochondriac on you and share the risks. Poor posture and typing technique can lead to the following serious ailments:

  • Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

The Carpal Tunnel is a narrow passageway located in the palm side of your wrist, that protects a main nerve to your hand and the tendons that bend your fingers. Prolonged typing can put pressure on the nerve, creating numbness, pain and hand weakness that may need surgery to correct. (Source: Mayoclinic.com)

  • Back Pain 

Aches, pains and injuries, oh my! Two work-related factors that are associated with risk of back pain include poor posture and repetition- classic computer nerd sitting in an awkward position or performing a certain movement a number of times. (Source: Mayoclinic.com) 

  • Computer Vision Syndrome

Prolonged computer usage can lead to eyestrain, headaches, blurred vision, dry eyes and neck and shoulder pain. (Source: American Optometric Association, AOA.org)

  • Shorter Lifespan

Prolonged sitting can be more harmful than a lack of exercizing. Studies show that sedentary behavior muscular inactivity can lead to diabetes, obesity, heart disease and cancer, regardless of whether moderate or vigorous activity is performed otherwise.  (Source: Karolinska Institute of Sport and Health Sciences, ScienceMag.com)

  • Looking Bad

Too much computing can also make you look older, tired and give you the illusion of double chins and bags under your eyes. (Source: My Mom)

But don't worry! There are ways to mitigate the dangers of dronedom.