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Tea-Time for Valley Elite

Television personality and AZfoothills.com columnist Nadine Toren is scouring the area, finding...


Fabulosity: Fashion’s Next Generation

Too often when I go to a local fashion show, I’m shown garbage. Lacking in talent, passion and an obvious need for education. This was not the case when I attended the East Valley Institute of Technology’s annual fashion show last week. I assessed the collections of the second year students. I was in good company as I sat next to Robert Black, Duc Liao, Joy Li and Jill Laine as well as other industry pros who acted as judges during the show. With a mind-blowing runway of about 130 feet and an audience of 680 zealous guests, the 15- to 18-year-old students showed incredible garments.

Design by Josh Soberanes


The Royal Cake

Television personality and AZfoothills.com columnist Nadine Toren is scouring the area, finding savvy Valley features, bringing readers “on the scene.” Every day she’ll introduce you to celebrities, athletes, and give you an inside look into local events and hot spots. She'll touch on topical issues, and keep AZ fans posted on all the big talkers around town.


Want a little taste of royalty at your wedding?  Well, we're dishing all about William and Kate's cake.


Cruise In a New Mercedes-Benz Convertible

A convertible allows you to soak up sun, star-gaze at dusk or feel the wind in your hair. Mercedes-Benz has given new meaning to the convertible by tricking it out with the most sophisticated technology and sleekest exterior of any ride on the road today. With summer around the corner, now is your chance to put the top down and cruise your way to an extravagance that only Mercedes-Benz can offer.


What Your Face Says About You

Television personality and AZfoothills.com columnist Nadine Toren is scouring the area, finding savvy Valley features, bringing readers “on the scene.” Every day she’ll introduce you to celebrities, athletes, and give you an inside look into local events and hot spots. She'll touch on topical issues, and keep AZ fans posted on all the big talkers around town.


Did you know your eyes, brows, nose, and lips has a lot to say about the person you are? 

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