Pamela Paley

Name: Pamela Paley





Age: 61

Title: Master Trainer for Club Pilates and Instructor for Club Pilates Goodyear & Gilbert

Married/Single: Single (divorced)

Kids: two adult sons in NJ

City you live in: Mesa

A typical day in my life includes…

coffee, Pilates, getting the dogs to the park.

I was born…

in Portland, CT.

My favorite thing about Arizona…

is the weather and sunsets.

I’m listening to…

contemporary R&B, reggae, some electronic, country, EDM…lots of different types depending on what I am doing.

My family…

and I are very close even though my brothers, cousins, dad, sons and granddaughters all live back east…from Maine to Florida.

If I could have dinner with anyone, it would be…

my mom who died 11 yrs ago but who was the most amazing person.

One thing I cannot live without…

coffee and chocolate. Sorry thats two…but they go hand in hand.

When I was younger, I wanted to be…

someone who made a difference in peoples lives.

I’m inspired by…

Diane Sawyer, a strong  journalist who led the way for so many other female journalists and faced adversity and came back from it.

The one person who motivates me is…

my younger brother who has MS, one of my closest friends. He is the most positive, compassionate, funny, caring person anywhere who never complains about what he can’t do or how much pain he is in. He is always working to find a way to keep moving. He joined Club Pilates ABQ in  New Mexico and loves it. Yes he still falls and has days but he goes about 5x a week .

If I could change anything in the world, it would be…

for the Vets to have more help and better benefits. And an end to world hunger.

The perfect day would be…

coffee, a day on the water or a hike followed by happy hour. Even better if there was an amazing man sharing it with me.

My first job was…

selling sweet corn and apples at Gottas Fruit and Vegetable Stand when I was 13 years old…the best was when the cider turned, lol.

My favorite escape…

hiking, the shore, or if that isn’t available…a long hot bath with a glass of wine.

My life…

is fun, challenging and amazing because of the people I work with as well as the wonderful  members I teach, many of whom are now good friends. I get to work at what I love, Pilates, with other amazing teachers that I love.

I’m currently working on…

taking a breath and appreciating each and every day along with making sure I am taking care of myself.


take a minute to give a smile and, if needed, a hug. It doesn’t cost anything but time.


underestimate the good of and strangers and people .

Favorite Quote…

“The biggest risk is not taking any risk. In a world that is changing really quickly, the only strategy that is guaranteed not to fail, is not taking risks.” – Mark Zuckerberg

Biggest Dream…

to travel to places not so well known with a partner so we could share those experiences together.

My Pet Peeve(s)…

trying to remember all the different passwords for so many different internet sites, etc. and selfishness.

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