Name: Kevin Rowe
Twitter: @KevinRoweEsq
Instagram: @lernerandrowe
Website: www.LernerAndRowe.com; www.LernerAndRoweGivesBack.com
Age: 50
Title: Husband, Father, Son, Brother, Friend. Founder of Lerner and Rowe Injury Attorneys, Lerner and Rowe Law Group and Lerner and Rowe Gives Back.
Married/Single: Married to wife Ashlyn Rowe for 9 years
Kids: Daughters Taylor (21) and Adelynn (7) and son Brixton (4)
City you live in: Phoenix, AZ and Laguna Beach, CA
A typical day in my life includes… Monday through Friday are routine. I get a workout in to start the day then get ready and head into our Camelback office location to take on the day’s events from client cases to managing 450 staff in 27 offices and 6 states. I head home around 5 pm for family time- helping with homework, dinner and then a rowdy game of pretending to be Star Wars with Adelynn and Brixton. Any given evening you are sure to see light saber battles from the streets! Weekends are for the family from soccer games to recitals and pool time to bowling.
I was born…in Lake Forest, California
My favorite thing about Arizona…I love the PEOPLE!!! I love the mountain views and beautiful sunsets. We live near Camelback mountain and can wake up and see it each day. I also love the valley’s philanthropic events and sports teams. I enjoy going to the Phoenix Suns games.
I’m listening to… I don’t listen to podcasts… I’m still stuck on FM radio!
My family… is the best part of my life and I wouldn’t be where I am today without them. Taylor attends Rice University in Houston, Texas, while Adelynn and Brixton are in grade school. Taylor plays soccer for Rice University, and Adelynn is in dance and singing lessons and is about to be in her first play. Brixton is our wild child and total boy, and loves to pretend he is every superhero from the Marvel lineup. My wife and I love to travel and explore new countries around the world. We recently went to Bora Bora and had an amazing experience swimming with sharks. Together we are also philanthropic with various charities around the valley.
If I could have dinner with anyone, it would be… Kobe Bryant
One thing I cannot live without…sugar. I love cookies and anything sweet!
When I was younger, I wanted to be…an orthodontist!
I’m inspired by…my family.
The one person who motivates me is…my wife and kids. I’m also inspired by those in the military and first responders – I try to show appreciation to them whenever I see them.
If I could change anything in the world, it would be…doing away with political ads (I’m sure many would say doing away with attorney ads!) LOL. Honestly, it would be removing all the negativity and hate.
The perfect day would be…living on a lake, water skiing in the morning, helicopter into work, serving our clients then back home to ski/wakeboard with my kids. One can always dream…
My first job was… a newspaper boy and then an auto detailer.
My favorite escape…working out or traveling to locations with a beach or lake.
My life…is right here where God intended it to be.
I’m currently working on…our 10th annual Lerner and Rowe Gives Back Charity Golf event. Last year, we had 320 golfers and raised over $570,000 for nonprofits and other charitable organizations in Arizona. I’m very proud of LRGB and the millions donated over the years from this golf event.
Always…say yes to your wife 🙂 (says my wife). Seriously, always strive to have a positive impact on others…Also, show compassion and empathy towards others.
Never…Take life too seriously. Be sure to enjoy the journey.
Favorite Quote…A customer is the most important visitor on our premises. He is not dependent on us. We are dependent upon him. He is not an interruption of our work. He is the purpose of it. He is not an outsider of our business. He is part of it. We are not doing him a favor by serving him. He is doing us a favor by giving us the opportunity to do so.
Biggest Dream…my kids to have happy and healthy lives.
My Pet Peeve(s)…Negativity. Dishonesty. Being disorganized, and not putting things back where you found them. Saying you will do something and don’t.
Bio-on yourself/company: Kevin Rowe is a Founder and Principal of the law offices of Lerner & Rowe, PC. Over the years,Mr. Rowe has assisted tens of thousands of people in their time of grievous need achieve security, well-being and sense of peace. It is in this capacity that Mr. Rowe has been able to secure hundreds of millions of dollars in settlements and awards for injured victims. Much of Mr.Rowe’s time is consumed as managing partner of the many offices of Lerner and Rowe, PC. He is also a member of the Arizona Trial Lawyers Association, Maricopa County Bar Association,Scottsdale Bar Association, American Association for Justice, and the American Bar Association. He is also licensed to practice law in the states of Oregon, Washington, Nevada,Illinois, and New Mexico and is a member of each state’s bar association. For more information, visit www.lernerandrowe.com.
Established in 2005, the law office of Lerner and Rowe was founded upon the principles of quality representation and a dedication to client service and satisfaction. In conjunction with these founding principles, our legal team’s wealth of knowledge and experience in all aspects of personal injury has allowed us to help our clients obtain maximum compensation for their injuries and to become Arizona’s premier personal injury firm. In 2017 and 2018, we expanded our personal injury legal services to include the states of New Mexico and Tennessee by opening law offices in both Albuquerque and Nashville. Then with the rebranding of Glen Lerner Injury Attorneys to Lerner and Rowe Injury Attorneys in 2019, Lerner and Rowe law offices can now be found in the states of Nevada, California, Illinois, and Indiana.